• R&D
  • Permanent Contract
  • France

Position and mission

Your role within Stormshield

You are passionate and curious about technological challenges, design, architectures and software development. The technical challenges relating to networks, cyber-security, encryption, management systems and new development frameworks / languages ​​are your main sources of motivation. Finally, you like to explore and demonstrate the feasibility levels of new solutions by knowing how to assess the risks.

Within Stormshield's R&D department, you will join the technical community team as a Technical Leader. You will be, with the team, in charge of exploratory studies, technology watch, definition of current and future product architectures. In this context, you will be one of the representatives of Stormshield's technological excellence to meet the challenges relating to developments in Stormshield Endpoint Security (SES), Stormshield Data Security (SDS) and Stormshield Network Security (SNS) products. For your missions, you are in direct contact with the Stormshield CTO. A position potentially open in full-time teleworking.

Your missions in the team

  • Carrying out upstream technical and functional studies on new product features.
  • Realization of Proof of Concept to de-risk upstream studies and prepare the transfer to the R&D implementation teams.
  • Technological watch on its expertise.
  • Participation in trade fairs and conferences necessary to watch.
  • Competitive analyzes
  • Establishment and monitoring of technological partnerships.
  • Support to development teams for critical architecture topics
  • Evangelization, training and mentoring for its areas of expertise
  • Design authority in the construction phase for its areas of expertise.


Your profile as a Technical Leader

Professional skills

In terms of technical skills, versatility associated with one or more recognized expertise will be your best assets. One of our Stormshield mottos is that the "total" expert does not exist. The best expertise therefore lies in the motivation to always want to learn.

  • Methodology: definition and formalization of architecture and technical solution, HLD, LDD.
  • Ability to carry out PoCs in their areas of expertise.
  • Good writing skills
  • Professional written and oral English.

Understanding or mastering the fields:

  • Languages: C, C ++, Javascript, Python, Rust.
  • OS (kernel / userland): Linux, FreeBSD, Windows
  • Cloud: Virtualization, Docker, Kubernetes, SDN, NFV
  • Expertise in one or more of these areas: Networks Cryptography, PKI Parallelism Web Database (SQL / NoSQL) AI

Personal skills

Technical curiosity, openness Excellent analytical and synthesis skills. Knows how to convince and lead an audience or a team.


You have already held roles as architects on software solutions, as technical lead on expertise related to the Stormshield field, as CTO on equivalent or similar solutions. A minimum of 5 years experience in these types of roles will be preferred.


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  • * Pflichtfelder

    Laut dem französischen Gesetz „Loi Informatique et Libertés“ vom 6. Januar 1978 in der geänderten Fassung von 2004 und der Richtlinie 95/46/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 24. Oktober 1995 zum Schutz natürlicher Personen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten und zum freien Datenverkehr haben Sie das Recht auf Einsicht, Geheimhaltung und Berichtigung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten. Diesbezügliche Anfragen richten Sie bitte an: Stormshield Immeuble Axium Bât. D - 2ème étage 22, rue du Gouverneur Général Eboué 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux +33 (0)9 69 32 96 29 Mkt-contact@stormshield.eu

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