
For many small business, financial restrictions might justify neglecting IT protection equipment. This is a risky strategy as long as micro businesses and SMEs are exposed to cyber-threats. Especially as there is a whole arsenal of effective solutions that are adapted to their budget.

Like in any company, small business IT security starts with making employees aware of best practice: operating system and application updates, regular data backups and exercising caution when using USB sticks, opening e-mail attachments or using free wifi networks, etc.

The problems of cost and in-house skills that are inherent to micro businesses require solutions that are adapted to these restrictions, without sacrificing security

Matthieu Bonenfant, Chief Marketing Officer at Stormshield

The stakes change when it comes to equipment in large companies. “The problems of cost and in-house skills that are inherent to micro businesses require solutions that are adapted to these restrictions, without sacrificing security,” says Matthieu Bonenfant, Chief Marketing Officer at Stormshield. According to Matthieu, there are three stand-out measures for micro businesses to take advantage of a real arsenal of defence against IT risks.


Protect network entry and navigation

For a small business, the ideal situation is to use a multi-functional solution that ensures network-entry protection. This “one-stop-shop” includes a firewall, anti-virus software, URL filters, a VPN, IPS (Intrusion Protection System), anti-spam and even a behavioural analysis system to detect unknown attacks.


Making workstations secure

A primary level of security is needed and provided by installing a protection agent at workstations. Companies should also favour advanced solutions, offering control over terminal devices and behavioural analysis rather than standard free anti-virus software. You are also recommended to encrypt your hard disk using standard Android or iOS tools, some of which are free, depending on the operating system version.


Controlling access to the Cloud

Using outsourced applications in the Cloud (SaaS - Software as a Service) requires protection for the data stored or handled there. It is better to opt for collaborative working platforms that offer integrated and additional security functions, such as Office 365, G-Suite by Google or a solution packaged by a trusted IT partner.

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