
For three consecutive years, Stormshield and L'Usine Digitale have studied the digital transformation of companies and its impact on their IT security. This year, we focused on establishing the current state of cybersecurity practices in the operational environments of companies in the industry. The state of play reported in a barometer, then analysed in a dedicated whitepaper. More than 200 decision-makers from the industry sector were questioned about their expectations and needs regarding the deployment of solutions in operational environments.

Industrial OT covers all the digital systems that ensure the automation of physical processes, while guaranteeing the smooth running of a production line. These operational systems, which are increasingly connected to traditional information systems, must therefore be subject to increased vigilance in terms of cyber security.

This Stormshield whitepaper analyses the barometer and provides a constructive insight into the evolution of the world of cybersecurity, particularly in industrial environments.


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