
Ransomware attacks are on the rise, threatening the economic stability and sustainability of many companies and organisations. Not a week goes by without a company or government body being attacked and receiving a ransom demand.

In this whitepaper about ransomware, find out more on a 30 years-evolution from malware on a floppy disk and hundred-dollar demands to a structured criminal industry extorting millions every year. What operating modes are ransomware groups currently using? How do cybercriminals employ them against organisations? What pressure tactics do they use (disruption or cessation of activity, disclosure of data)? And most importantly, how can you protect yourself?

This Stormshield whitepaper looks at the evolution of ransomware and the actors who make it a major threat. It deciphers how this malware works and proposes best practices to avoid the consequences. This does not obscure the central question pondered by many organisations faced with the problem of whether to pay or not to pay? Should you give in?

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