As part of the digital transformation process, the increasing openness towards the outside world and the interconnection of different information systems make companies more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. However, there are effective ways of protecting oneself, such as the segmentation of the information system. But how can the network be segmented? And in the age of Industry 4.0, is it really that simple in the industrial world? In this Stormshield opinion article, Khobeib Ben Boubaker proposes some answers.



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To discover

  • Ask Ze Expert | Easy encryption with the Stormshield orchestrator

  • Datasheet SN-XL-Series-6200 – Stormshield Network Security

  • Datasheet SN-XL-Series-5200 – Stormshield Network Security

  • Datasheet SN-L-Series-3200 – Stormshield Network Security

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