There was a time when, during the Cold War, the major powers were racing to conquer space. Now the race is to conquer cyberspace. The issues between the powers remain basically the same, but the rules have changed: now the game is about dominating your opponent by controlling the new playing fields occupied by cyberspace and its associated security issues. The opposing teams include the United States, China, Russia and Israel. Although it is competing, Europe seems to be playing from afar; in place of offensive and defensive strategies, it prefers the values of transparency and trust—which may one day take it to the top. Find out in this Stormshield opinion article, signed by Matthieu Bonenfant, how Europe already has the tools to get there.



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  • Ask Ze Expert | Easy encryption with the Stormshield orchestrator

  • Datasheet SN-XL-Series-6200 – Stormshield Network Security

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  • Datasheet SN-L-Series-3200 – Stormshield Network Security

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