Find out how this partnership programme dedicated to the world of education works to recruit your future employees of tomorrow!

For the past five years, Stormshield has been working with a number of educational establishments to help them train students in cybersecurity technologies (training, equipping classrooms for practical work and certification). We take a closer look at what the Stormshield Academy programme brings to partner schools and how it can help you recruit your future young talent more easily, as they will already be CSNA or CSNE certified by the end of their course.



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To discover

  • Ask Ze Expert | Easy encryption with the Stormshield orchestrator

  • Datasheet SN-XL-Series-6200 – Stormshield Network Security

  • Datasheet SN-XL-Series-5200 – Stormshield Network Security

  • Datasheet SN-L-Series-3200 – Stormshield Network Security

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