In 2010, the world discovered Stuxnet. Since this episode, the modus operandi of cyber-attackers has evolved, but factories’ industrial control systems remain a prime target. In this article, we decipher the impact that Stuxnet had in 2010. What legacy did this attack leave for the cybercriminals of 2022? What have industrialists learned from it? Some elements of an answer and comparative views in this opinion article Stormshield.



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To discover

  • Ask Ze Expert | Easy encryption with the Stormshield orchestrator

  • Datasheet SN-XL-Series-6200 – Stormshield Network Security

  • Datasheet SN-XL-Series-5200 – Stormshield Network Security

  • Datasheet SN-L-Series-3200 – Stormshield Network Security

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