And if you had to sum up the year 2020, what would you remember? From a health, economic and political point of view, this will be a special year. And from a cyber perspective?

Around the world, acts of cyber-malware have played with the context and even adapted to it – often taking advantage of the urgency of the situation and the drop in vigilance. And despite the new media exposure of these acts of cyber-maliciousness, it is clear that the work of raising awareness of cyber security remains more relevant than ever. This is an integral part of the mission we have set ourselves at Stormshield. In addition to protecting critical infrastructures, their sensitive data and their operational environments, our mission is also to question, analyse, understand and share. As we did last year, we have decided to create a special content to aggregate all our reflections during this year 2020.

In these almost 150 pages, freely available, you will find several levels of reading - to respond to different levels of maturity and different populations. From educational and awareness-raising papers to more expert and specialized versions, from business perspectives to futuristic projections, you are sure to find content that will appeal to you.



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To discover

  • Ask Ze Expert | Easy encryption with the Stormshield orchestrator

  • Datasheet SN-XL-Series-6200 – Stormshield Network Security

  • Datasheet SN-XL-Series-5200 – Stormshield Network Security

  • Datasheet SN-L-Series-3200 – Stormshield Network Security

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