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Every year, Stormshield experts put together an analysis of structural trends for the coming year. What major issues will the world of cybersecurity be facing in 2020? As with last year, we've been looking closely at a number of weak signals, the latest industry analyses,...
Sensationalised and publicised by the Anonymous movement, Edward Snowden and the Arab Spring, hacktivism once seemed to have a very bright future indeed. But since 2015, hacktivist attacks have plummeted by 95%... could this be the death of hacktivism? “We are Legion. We do not...
It will soon be 2020, and human beings are still the weakest link in any cyberattack. Too many of us still lack digital health training, and are unwittingly exposing themselves to easily avoidable risks. But cybersecurity is an issue of national importance, so shouldn’t it...
Whether at home or at work, hackers are becoming ever more ingenious when it comes to getting into IT networks. They exploit the vulnerabilities of susceptible smart devices to come up with cyber attacks which use very imaginative entry points. Synopsis of the most surprising...
For the past six months, cyber headlines have been divided between scams involving fake technical support and a cyberattack against one country in particular. For a clearer picture, here is a review of the first six months of the year and the major trends that...
Each month, several billion visitors flock to pornographic sites. These are figures that stimulate the imagination of cybercriminals, who are delighted with these fresh, vulnerable targets that can be easily and ruthlessly blackmailed. After the giants Google, YouTube and Facebook, pornographic sites are among the...
Since the beginning of May, computer networks in the city of Baltimore (United States) have been paralyzed. This was due to a ransomware attack that locked down the government's 10,000 computers on site and is being investigated as a major cyber attack. After Atlanta and...
With its locked ecosystem and skilfully orchestrated communications, Apple is fine-tuning its image as the unassailable fortress. But when it comes to cybersecurity, nobody is invulnerable. “What happens in your iPhone stays in your iPhone”. People attending the CES were met with this message, in...